Studio during quarantine, continued

As the quarantine continues, so do I, in my studio. And, as with the uncertainty of this time, so it goes in the studio. My last post reflected on bringing aspects of past work forward. I had a plan. Full stop. I’m thankful for having learned long ago that plans, sometimes, are only the beginning of the journey in the studio. I know to stay open and watchful of things taking a different direction, which brings me to this week’s discoveries that arose out of a shortage of materials and attempting to make a substitution. It didn’t work “as planned” yet brought together aspects of past projects and melded with some new thinking. These pieces are so fresh; they currently don’t have titles. I consider them somewhat ungraspable and ethereal. They appear to behave like solid, gas, and liquid all at the same time; the edges are the center.


Untitled for now, 8.25 x 7.25 x .75 inches, acrylic on acrylic panel, 2020

Untitled for now, 8.25 x 7.25 x .75 inches, acrylic on acrylic panel, 2020

Untitled, for now, 8.25 x 7.25. x .75 inches, acrylic on acrylic panel, 2020

Untitled, for now, 8.25 x 7.25. x .75 inches, acrylic on acrylic panel, 2020
